Solvent-Based Epoxy Coating for Floors and Walls


ABAK Epoxy Coating LS is a solvent-based coating designed for both horizontal and vertical applications on floors and walls. Once cured, the surface becomes hard and smooth, providing a seamless finish. Its joint-less nature prevents the growth of bacteria, and it offers excellent resistance to abrasion while being easy to clean.


Suitable for use on concrete, steel, and galvanized steel substrates.
Outstanding chemical and mechanical resistance.
Available in a wide range of attractive colors.
Cost-effective solution.
Easy application process.

Application Area

ABAK Epoxy Coating LS is commonly used in various areas, including:

  • Soft drink and beverage production areas.
  • Kitchens.
  • Dairies.
  • Showrooms.
  • Walls in nuclear plants, computer rooms, and control panel rooms.
  • Industrial and commercial kitchen walls.
  • Hospitals and pharmaceutical factory walls.
  • Fish and meat processing plant walls.
  • Areas with light vehicular traffic.

ABAK Epoxy Coating LS provides reliable protection and durability for floors and walls, making it an ideal choice for environments that require resistance to chemicals and mechanical stress.